We accept cash payments via any 7-Eleven store. Powered by MOLPay.
1) Select which product you’d like to buy. You may do use our Search Bar to search the product you want to buy or just browse through our Shop for window shopping. =)
2) In your Product page, choose the Colour and Model you’d like to buy.
3) After selecting your Model and Colour, choose the quantity you wish to purchase and then click BUY NOW button.
4) You will be brought to your Cart page. You may Continue Shopping, or scroll down to the bottom and click Proceed To Checkout.
5) On the next screen, fill in your address and other details. Scroll to the bottom then select Online Banking / Cash and click Place Order.
6) On your next screen, click on the Payment Options button on the top left corner and then select 7-Eleven.
7) Fill in your details in the blank fields then scroll down and tick on the agreement. After that, click the button Proceed.
8) On the final screen, confirm the details are correct. Write down the Transaction ID, Verification Code and Transaction Amount into a paper. You may choose to Print or just click Back to Online Store button.
9) Bringing the paper your wrote or printed to the nearest 7-Eleven store. Tell the cashier MOLPay Service. Then give him/her the Transaction ID, Verification Code and Payable Amount. Proceed with your payment.
10) DONE! We will receive your payment once you’ve made payment in 7-Eleven! Your order will be in processing and send to you soon!